Every month we put the spotlight one of our valued colleagues to find out more about what makes them tick. This time around, we’re getting to know our newest test engineer, Trish Phelps.
Summarise your role in one paragraph…
My job at DealTrak is, essentially, to test the platform and make sure it always works. I’m currently completing test execution on the existing platform via the user interfaces, but I’ll work on the new system too.
Day-to-day, if a customer raises a ticket or the development team identifies a problem, I’m here to check everything is operating as it should be once a fix has been applied.
Why is this role important for DealTrak?
The brand holds the customer at the heart of everything it does, and as such we want to ensure the coding and site structure is stable and bug-free.
What attracted you to DealTrak as a company?
Having moved from a large organisation, I was attracted to the idea of a smaller company where everyone knows each other.
When I came to the office for my interview, I couldn’t believe how genuinely nice everyone was. I had done a bit of snooping via the employee biographies on the website, so I knew the ‘vibe’ around the place was one that I would fit into.
In terms of the job itself, I saw it as a great opportunity to progress my career. I had previously worked in banking and wanted to progress into API testing – but had no experience. In my interview I was open and honest about my ambition and experience, something which Ben Moore, the IT director, appreciated. Luckily they thought I was a good cultural fit and the rest, as they say, is history!
Describe yourself in three words or less…
Friendly, chatty and conscientious.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a physiotherapist! I really enjoy sports and helping people, therefore that type of career seemed to be a good opportunity to tie both things together.
How do you wind-down during the weekend?
I like to settle down with Netflix and a large glass of wine. I do like to combine some movement with a bit of ‘me-time’ though, and try to fit in a walk or swim by myself – away from the children!
Any other interesting hobbies?
I have two step children and I find that a lot of my ‘would-be’ free time is spent with them, at a combination of sporting or horsing events! As a result, I really earn the aforementioned PJs, Netflix, chocolate and wine!
Share an interesting fact about you that not many people know…
I was once on TV as a child. My ‘five minutes of fame’ came courtesy of the local news filming a piece on new mums and Christmas babies – I was born on the 21st of December and made ‘the cut’.
Where is your favourite place to eat out in Yorkshire – that we should really try!
There’s a place within the Studley Hotel in Harrogate called ‘The Orchid’. It’s absolutely my go-to for a special occasion – and I love an excuse for Thai food.