It’s almost time for our first, big networking event of 2019. The DealTrak team is preparing to base themselves from another corner of Leeds city centre, as we head to the FinTech North Conference.
The multi-stream, full-day gathering will take place on Thursday 23 May and sees some of FinTech’s leading lights head to the city’s Cloth Hall Court. And, our very own MD, Martin Hill, will be speaking during one of the afternoon seminars.
Seeking to address a wide range of topics across the FinTech spectrum, the morning will be dedicated to broad conversations surrounding the industry. The afternoon, meanwhile, will see delegates split into a variety of streams – with content covering mortgages, InsurTech, innovation, and RegTech.
Focused discussions will allow attendees to hear and participate in deep debates, which are most relevant to them. And, one such session – taking place in the Denim Room from 13:30-15:00 – will focus entirely on FinTech in the North.
A range of the region’s innovators will also cover topics including growth, diversity and funding, including our MD, Martin Hill. Poised to take to the lectern at 14:05, he will discuss the history of the firm – as well as our future plans.
If you’re attending, don’t be a stranger!